Welcome to Zhang Xihua and Paul Gilroy
日期:2019-11-02 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

Each of the two newly promoted honorary doctors at the Faculty of Humanities; Zhang Xihua (ToRS) and Paul Gilroy (IKK), will lecture for approximately 35-40 minutes, followed by 5-10 mn Q & A.

There will be a short break between the two presentations.

Dean Jesper Kallestrup (Faculty of Humanities) welcomes and opens the ceremony. Head of Department Ingolf Thuesen (Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies) introduces the honorary doctor Zhang Xihua. Associate Professor Erik Steinskog (Department of Arts and Cultural Studies) introduces the honorary doctor Paul Gilroy.

No registration required.

The lecture will be followed by a reception.

Center for Denmark Studies and the Research work


Professor Dr. Zhang Xihua is a highly respected, influential and successful scholar whose thinking and efficient realization of planning has supported and contributed substantially to hundreds of students from China and Denmark in mutual cultural understanding. Her contribution to Cross-Cultural research has resulted in the formation of a Center for Denmark Studies, now recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education as a National Center for China. The center has since 2015 arranged conferences on topics of shared interest for Danish and Chinese scholars as a mutual inspiration in order to improve cross-cultural understanding and promote social and academic thinking. These achievements are highly appreciated as they enhance academic understanding between China and Denmark (the Western World) and will advance cross-cultural understanding to the benefit of both Danish and Chinese scholars.

Vexed History: Black Atlantic Music In The Postcolonial World


Professor Paul Gilroy is one of the foremost theorists of race and racism working and teaching in the world today. Author of foundational and highly influential books such as There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack (1987), The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness (1993), Against Race (2000), Postcolonial Melancholia (2005) and Darker Than Blue (2010) alongside numerous key articles, essays and critical interventions, Gilroy’s is a unique voice that speaks to the centrality and tenacity of racialized thought and representational practices in the modern world. He has transformed thinking across disciplines, from Ethnic Studies, British and American Literature, African American Studies, Black British Studies, Trans-Atlantic History and Critical Race Theory to Post-Colonial theory. He has contributed to and shaped thinking on Afro-Modernity, aesthetic practices, diasporic poetics and practices, sound and image worlds.


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