日期:2020-06-01 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]


Inspirational Lessons from Heating Planning and District Heating in Denmark for Building up Urban Green Comprehensive Energy Service Systems in China

 (张立鹏 车巍 by Lipeng Zhang and Alfred Che )


[序言] 疫情期间,我们看到的蓝天明显多了起来;隔离宅居,让我们的节奏慢下来,对人类的行为方式有机会进行反省。仔细一想,原来我们拥有蓝天的日子持续增加,是因为疫情中人类对地球的干预和伤害大大减少了。仰望这些难得蓝天白云,不禁让我们联想到了丹麦。 由于工作关系,我们近年来常有机会去丹麦参观一些区域能源项目,所到之处,春夏秋冬,看到的都是碧水蓝天;当然,给我们印象更深的,则是贯穿于这个“童话王国”里人们日常生活以及工作生产过程中,点点滴滴的节能环保理念和细节。正是由于丹麦全民在生活和生产工作过程中,坚持做到了对环境的干预和伤害的最小化,保证了人与自然的和谐相处。在此,我们希望通过扼要梳理丹麦供热规划和区域供热的发展脉络,能够对我国正在推动的“能源革命”以及建立“清洁、低碳、高效、安全”能源系统的努力有所助益。


[Opening Remark] During the COVID-19 outbreak, we see much more blue sky. Quarantined at home slows down our pace and gives us the opportunity to reflect on human behaviors. We find the reason why the number of days of blue sky increased is that human interference and damage to the earth have been remarkably reduced. Looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, we cannot help thinking of Denmark. In recent years, we visited many district energy projects in Denmark. Wherever we go, there are clean water and blue sky all year-round. Furthermore, what has impressed us most is the concept and details of energy conservation and environmental protection which have rooted in every single citizen’s daily life and work in this "fairytale kingdom". It is precisely because all Danish people have been addicted to minimizing environmental interference in daily life and work, the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature has been achieved. In this article, it is our hope that by briefly introducing the evolution of heating planning and district heating in Denmark, it can offer some inspiration to  the "Energy Revolution" being promoted in China and the efforts to establish a "clean, low carbon, efficient and safe" energy system.



Similarities and Differences between Centralized Heating in China and District Heating in Denmark


在我国, “集中供热(centralized heating) ”这一供热行业术语是被普遍接受的,也已为广大消费者所熟知。集中供热:即在热源处集中生产热媒(主要是水,也包括蒸汽),再通过传输管网,输送到末端的热用户。“集中”一词,既反映了热量集中生产的形式,又表明热源处在整个供热范围内的集中或中心位置,也从另一个侧面体现了中国供热行业,自上世纪五十年代发展以来,一直比较单一的热源燃料形式,大多以化石能源,即煤,天然气和石油为主。


In China, the term "centralized heating" is generally accepted and well known by the public. Centralized heating is the system that thermal energy is produced in central heat source sites, and heat medium, mainly water and steam, carrying the heat, then is transported to end-users, i.e. buildings at the end through distribution and transmission pipe network. The word "centralized" not only reflects the production form of energy aggregation, but also indicates that the heat source is in the central location in the whole heating range. It also reflects the fact that since the 1950s, China's heating industry has been maintaining a rather monotonous form of heat fuels, mainly composed of fossil fuels including coal, gas, and petrol.


在北欧国家,以全球区域能源历史最久最成熟的丹麦为例,“区域供热(district heating)”,在供热行业使用非常普遍。这源于北欧国家奉行的“区域供热的基本理念”: 供热系统燃料的选择,要尽可能利用当地的资源禀赋,尽可能多的利用当地的可再生能源、余热和废热,以保证供热系统良好的经济性。因为这些“如果不用,就会被废弃”的当地燃料,存在供热系统范围之内,涵盖了一定的区域,所以通常称之为“区域供热”。另外,在丹麦用能严格按计量收费,用户可以根据自身需求选择供暖期:几个月甚至全年,区域供热系统同时提供全年用生活热水,一些区域建筑的供冷也由这一套能源系统提供,因此这种包括区域供热,生活热水及区域供冷的系统,统称“区域能源”。


In Northern Europe, taking Denmark as an example, which has the longest and most mature history of district energy in the world, the term "district heating" is widely used in the heating industry. This is because the "fundamental idea of district heating" pursued by these countries in the region: When choosing fuels for heating system, it is more likely to use local resources and renewable energy and waste heat as much as possible to ensure the economic efficiency of district heating systems. The reason why it is called "district heating" is that those locally available fuels, which are if not used, otherwise wasted, are existing in the heating system in a certain area. In addition, energy consumption in Denmark is legally charged according to the actual amount consumed by way of metering. Heat consumers can choose space heating periods according to their own demands: from several months to the whole year, the district heating system provides domestic hot water as well, and the cooling of buildings is also provided by the same energy system in some cases. Therefore, the system, which includes space heating, domestic hot water and district cooling, is collectively referred to as "district energy".


Figure 1. 智慧城市的能源模型The energy model in smart city




Therefore, the difference between centralized heating and district heating reflects the discrepancy in the choice of heat source fuels. The former adopts relatively monotonous  and centralized fossil energy sources, while the latter uses locally available renewable energy and waste heat as much as possible. This also reflects the difference in the extent of clean heating system. As environmental policies in China become more and more stringent, additionally, in heating industry, the central government has issued a series of policies to encourage and develop "clean heating" in recent years, the urban heating system is developing towards the megatrend of clean energy and high efficiency.




This article gives a brief review of the historic development of district heating in Denmark. It concludes that today’s achievements Danish society has made in the energy sector benefit from the strategy to implement heat planning with district heating planning as the main line. Different from China’s traditional heating planning, Denmark encourages the efficient use of "locally available clean energy" and emphasizes "cost-effectiveness" and "environmental benefits" parallelly in terms of heating planning, which has been widely regarded as one of the important cornerstones to help Danish society establish a green, highly efficient and safe energy system.



Heating Planning Helps Denmark to Establish a Green, Highly Efficient and Safe Energy System


Figure 2. 丹麦计划在2050年过渡到100%可再生能源系统(source: https://advanceseng.com/

Denmark plans to transit towards 100% renewable energy system by 2050 


丹麦的供热规划始于上个世纪七十年代的能源危机。1973年因中东战争引发的全球能源危机,导致全球油价上升。 这对于能源几乎完全依赖进口石油的丹麦经济来说,几乎就是灭顶之灾。为减少并逐渐摆脱对进口能源的依赖,丹麦政府推出了一系列富有远见的政策立法措施,开启了革命性的能源转型之旅;经过近半个世纪的努力,特别是近四十年中,这个传统能源十分匮乏的“童话王国”,一步一个脚印,成功打造了一个经济总量不断增长,但能耗水耗和碳排放却持续下降,即经济发展和能源消耗“脱钩”的“能源童话”,为世人所瞩目;即使是在疫情侵入后的今天,丹麦政府依然在考虑疫情后的经济发展和如何更快地实现2030年减排70%及2050年建成“零碳社会”的战略目标。丹麦自能源危机一开始采取的政策措施之一,就是开始推动基于供热规划的能源规划的实施,其发展过程经历了以下几个重要阶段。


The heating planning in Denmark began with the energy crisis in the 1970s. The global energy crisis triggered by the Middle East War in 1973 resulted in the radical rise in global oil prices. This was a huge shock to Denmark's economy, which almost entirely relies on oil import. In order to reduce and gradually get rid of the dependence on imported oil, the Danish government has launched a series of far-sighted policies and measures, which initiated a revolutionary journey of the energy transition. After nearly half a century’s efforts, especially in the past four decades, the "Fairytale Kingdom", which is deficient in traditional energy resources, has successfully created an "Energy Fairytale" in which the GDP yearly continues to grow, but energy consumption, water consumption and carbon emissions continue to decline. Even during the COVID-19 outbreak, the Danish government continues to considering the economic development after the outbreak and how to achieve the strategic goals of reducing emissions by 70% by 2030 and building a "zero carbon society" by 2050 more quickly. One of the measures adopted by Denmark since the very beginning of the energy crisis is to promote the implementation of energy planning based on heating planning. Its development process has gone through several major stages as follows.


首先,最初制定供热规划的原因,是为了实现能源转换以摆脱对进口能源的依赖。能源转换的第一步,是用来自电厂的余热替代石油的使用,此举大大促进了热电联产在丹麦的发展。1976年,“电力供应法案”(Electricity Supply Act)实施,要求1976年以后新电力负荷必须来自于热电联产。这为供热系统使用来自电厂的余热废热提供了有利的政策支持和导向。1979年,丹麦颁布了世界上第一部供热法,明确强调了三点:1)  能源供应系统要基于不同的燃料;2)提高能源和燃料供应的可靠性;3)提高整体能源效率。这一供热法案引导市政当局和热力公司,努力探索当地廉价可用的余热废热,通过多样化供热燃料以提升能效向国家政策靠拢,同时持续优化供热系统整体的经济性。自此,发电厂的余热被收集并用于供热系统,热电联产(CHP)系统开始与城市区域供热网络同步建设。(热电联产成为丹麦供热系统迈向现代化的第一步的原因是,较之于单纯的发电厂和传统的使用一次能源的供热厂的独立供电和供热,生产同样数量的电和热,热电联产需要的燃料仅为两者之和的75%,节省了至少25%的燃料消耗,在提高能源利用效率的同时,也降低了供热过程中对环境的压力。)自20世纪80年代以来,大规模(全市)和小规模(社区和机构)连接区域供热系统的热电联产在丹麦覆盖式发展。这些措施大大提高了能源供应效率,使得能源供应变得更加安全绿色。


Firstly, the reason for the heating plan was to realize the energy transition to ditch dependence on imported energy. The first step is to replace oil with waste heat from power plants, which has greatly promoted the development of CHP in Denmark. In 1976, the Electricity Supply Act was implemented, requiring that new power loads after 1976 must come from cogeneration. This provides favorable policy support and guidance for the heating systems to use waste heat from power plants. In 1979, Denmark enacted the world's first heating regulation, which clearly emphasized three points: 1) The energy supply system should be based on multiple fuels; 2) Improving the reliability of energy and fuel supplies; 3) Improving the overall energy efficiency. The regulation guides municipalities and district heating companies to explore locally available and cheap waste heat to improve energy efficiency through diversified heating fuels, and to move closely forward to national policies, while continuously optimized the overall cost-effectiveness of the district heating system. Since then, the waste heat from power plants has been collected and utilized in heating system, and the CHP system has begun to be constructed simultaneously with the urban district heating network. (The reason why CHP became the first step towards modernization of Denmark's heating system was that, compared with the power and heat supply separately. and pure power plants and traditional heating plants that use primary energy, the fuel required for producing the same volume of power and heat is only 75% of the sum of the two, saving at least 25% of fuel consumption. It  improves both energy utilization efficiency and releases the pressure against the environment.) Since the 1980s, the mode of large-scale (city-wide) and small-scale (community and institution) CHP connected to district heating systems have developed prosperously in Denmark. These measures have vastly improved the efficiency and security of energy supply and made Danish society much greener.


Figure 3. 热电联产的基本模型(source: https://www.achrnews.com/

The basic model of CHP


其次,在能源替代方面, 对于一些没有电厂余热可用的地区,丹麦仍然鼓励建设区域供热网络。这是因为,区域供热最大的优势,是燃料选择范围广泛:当地的各种余热、废热和可再生能源均可纳入供热系统, 而这是单户供热系统无法匹敌的。此外,区域供热系统中的大型设施效率更高,成本更低。区域供热总体造价分摊到各户,仍然要低于单户供热系统的设备投资和维护费用,即使考虑到热网传输损失也是如此。另外,在大型供热系统中,高效的基础负荷(base load)设备可以与廉价的峰值负荷(peak load)设备相结合,总投资成本小于单户供暖解决方案。当前,中国很多城市在供热系统燃煤替代减量过程中面临热源不足的问题。这时,可以借鉴丹麦的做法: 在当地有热电联产的情况下,利用电厂余热; 在没有电厂余热可利用的地区,尽可能的发掘和探索当地可利用的废弃能源,如生物质,市政污水和垃圾等等。区域供热凭借其成本效益和整体效率均要高于单户供热系统的明显优势,成为能源规划中的关键因素和建立高效能源系统的重要基础。


Secondly, in terms of energy substitution, Denmark encourages the construction of district heating networks in areas where waste heat from power plants is not available. This is because the supreme advantage of district heating is the wide range of fuel choices: all local waste heat and renewable energy can be utilized in the district heating system, which no individual heating solution can compete. In addition, large facilities in a district heating system are more efficient and cheaper. The overall cost of district heating is still lower than the equipment investment and maintenance cost of the individual heating solution, even taking into account the heat loss via transmission network. In addition, in large heating systems, efficient base load equipment can be combined with inexpensive peak load equipment, and the total investment cost is less than a single-family heating solution. At present, many cities in China are facing the problem of insufficient heat sources in the process of replacing and reducing the use of coal in heating systems. At this time, we should refer to the Denmark ’s practice: use the waste heat of the power plant when there is cogeneration in the local area; in areas where the waste heat of the power plant is not available, explore and discover the locally available waste energy, such as biomass, municipal sewage and garbage, etc. Due to its cost-effectiveness and overall efficiency, district heating has obvious advantages over single-family heating systems, which has become a key factor in energy planning and an important foundation for establishing efficient energy systems.




In the 1980s, Denmark discovered nature gas near the North Sea and began to produce oil and natural gas. The country began to consider how to use these natural gases efficiently. At the same time, they realized that there is an asynchronous trait of electricity and heat from combined power, namely, the peaks of heat and electricity usually do not occur at the same time. In order to solve these two problems, Denmark reformed the heating plan in the 1990s, requiring new heating distribution and power plants to use small distributed natural gas turbines, and to install heat storage tanks and peak load at the same time. Natural gas is only used during the peak period of electricity demand from Monday to Friday to meet the fuel demand during peak load. Therefore, the consumption of natural gas in Denmark is more used for peak shaving, and the base load is loaded by a variety of "clean energy". Through the use of heating planning methods, systematic integration of district heating and power production, and the scientific arrangement of natural gas, providing Denmark with the flexibility of the energy system and the possibility of storing excess heat.


Figure 4. 丹麦电厂的储热装置



In recent years, the Danish wind power and solar photovoltaic power generation has been steadily increasing, which replaces some of the combined heat and power generation and most of the power generation in summer. And it has led to a reduction in power generation of large-scale combined heat and power plants. On the other hand, since these cogeneration plants are equipped with heat storage tanks, CHP power plants will return to the main position of full-load supply when the price of electricity is high, the wind farms are shut down, and the output of solar photovoltaic power generation is insufficient. In addition, in order to ensure economic benefits and avoid high heat prices brought by low electricity prices, district heating plants are now investing in electric boilers and large heat pumps. After the summer of 2018, due to various factors such as summer drought, the electricity price has once again increased. Driven by high electricity prices, combined heat and power plants once again increased power generation. This shows that in energy systems with a large amount of fluctuating power generation, both power-consuming and power-generation heating equipment are necessary. Heating planning can take advantage of district heating, including flexibility, energy storage equipment, and the flexible use of different technologies based on electricity demand.




After decades of development, Denmark ’s heating plan has shifted from the urban district heating plan that originally used waste heat in local electricity supplies to focus on flexibility, energy storage and coupling with other energy sectors to increase efficiency and reduce emissions. The Danish heating planning method is in line with the climate goals, with the emphasis on using renewable energy for heating, with the aim of avoiding dependence on imported energy. When renewable energy resources are limited, the interactive use of energy between the various parts is more important, and Danish heating planning attaches great importance to waste heat from garbage, industry, power sector, refrigeration, etc., as well as energy from shopping malls and sewage treatment plants. Denmark is traditionally an agricultural country. Apart from several large cities, the majority of residents are scattered in many towns and villages across the country. The green and efficient district energy coverage is more than 60%, which greatly optimizes building energy consumption to account for more than 40% of total energy consumption in the country's overall energy system.



Inspirational lessons from Danish experience on energy saving and emission reduction for Chinese cities


通过丹麦的例子,我们看到,制定有效的供热规划, 区域供热的优势和基本理念被最大程度的开发和利用: 供热燃料首先考虑充分使用本地可再生能源及余热、废热,而不局限于一次能源和化石能源。基于发展和制定供热规划, 促进区域供热和很多行业部门展开合作:如城市市政(污水余热和垃圾焚烧),工业生产(钢厂、电厂、造纸厂、化工厂等工业余热),土地资源(地热,江河湖海等自然冷源),农业部门(生物质),科技行业(数据中心),商业(购物中心余热),城市交通(地铁系统余热废热)等等。区域供热因此成为连接和贯穿国家各个部门的绿色链条,将工业过程中的各种副产品(余热废热), 充分有效利用,将废弃物转化为可以利用的资源,最终实现能源利用效率最大化,环境影响最小化。丹麦供热规划在发展区域供热的成功实践,充分反映丹麦人在过去几十年能源转型过程中形成的一个重要理念,即“不用能源就是最好的能源”。实际上, 丹麦的供热规划的核心内涵,与我国“开源节流”并举的传统理财智慧如出一辙,大有异曲同工之妙。

By reviewing the experience of Denmark, we can see that with the development of an effective heating plan, the advantages and basic concepts of district heating are developed and utilized to the fullest extent: heating fuel first considers the full use of local renewable energy, afterheat and waste heat, but not only limited to primary energy and fossil energy. Based on the development and development of heating plans, promote district heating and cooperate with many industry sectors: such as municipal institutions and departments(sewage waste heat and waste incineration), industrial production (steel mills, power plants, paper mills, chemical plants and other industrial waste heat), land resources (geothermal, natural sources of cold water such as rivers, lakes and seas), agricultural sector (biomass), technology industry (data center), commerce (surplus heat in shopping malls), urban transportation (surplus heat and waste heat in subway systems), etc. District heating therefore becomes a green chain that connects and runs through various sectors of the country, fully and efficiently utilizes a variety of by-products (waste heat and waste heat) in the industrial process, transforms waste into usable resources, and ultimately maximizes energy efficiency while minimized negative environmental impacts. The successful practice of the Danish heating plan in the development of district heating fully reflects the important concept of energy saving priority formed by the Danes in the energy transformation process in the past few decades, while using local renewable energy and waste energy as much as possible , Always insist on the simple practice of "the best energy is the energy not used". In fact, the core connotation of Denmark's heating plan is exactly the same as the traditional financial management wisdom in China, which highlights both "opening up inflowing sources (new income) and curbing the outflow (expenditure)”.


丹麦过去近半个世纪供热规划和区域能源中所蕴涵的“节流“与”开源“并举的朴素理念和具体实践,已经为全球城市能源转型建立了一个可圈可点的”城市绿色能源体系实验室”,对我国实现节能减排和可持续发展的战略目标,特别是对于目前正在全力打造的城市综合能源服务系统有着许多值得借鉴的启示。近几年来,我国颁布了一系列的政策,鼓励地方城市在供热系统中应用更多的清洁能源:如: 开展风电供暖、余热暖民、促进生物质能供热、加快浅层地热能开发利用,促进北方地区燃煤减量替代等。这些着重于某一种能源应用的推动政策,容易引导地方城市简单跟从其他城市的成功做法,而忽视切实探索本地拥有的资源禀赋,切实探索因地制宜,可持续发展的解决之道。


The simple concepts and specific practices of “saving” and “open source” in Denmark ’s heating planning and district energy in the past half century have established a remarkable “green urban energy lab” for global urban energy transition, which offers many inspirational lessons for China's strategic goals of achieving energy conservation, emission reduction and sustainable development, especially for  the comprehensive urban energy service system that is currently being built across the country. In recent years, China has promulgated a series of policies to encourage local cities to apply more clean energy in heating systems: such as extracting power from wind, waste heat for heating, promoting biomass energy heating, and accelerating shallow geothermal energy development by promoting the replacement of coal-burning reduction in Northern China. These promotion policies that focus on a certain kind of energy application can easily push guide local cities to simply follow the successful practices of other cities, while ignoring the effective exploration of locally endowed resource endowments, and practical solutions to local conditions and sustainable development.




Denmark clearly demonstrates a simple but basic principle to us:  in the process of establishing a comprehensive urban energy service system, China needs a macro strategic policy for heating. It must also rely on heating planning tools that are in line with the local realities of cities in various regions. It will be able to ensure clean heating development, capable of coupling the resources of various industries and departments to maximize the use of localized energy including renewable energy, afterheat and waste heat. At the same time, these localized heating planning tools must be based on scientific cost-benefit analysis, focusing on  long-term investment, and capable of organically linking many economic, environmental and social factors such as the energy market and local employment. Therefore, decision makers can take an holistic view to come up with viable economic policies and incentives that are conducive to the overall economic growth locally. It can promote the coordination of power supply in the power, heat, natural gas and industrial sectors, and then use the optimization of heating systems to promote urban green comprehensive energy service systems in facilitating the sustainable urban development. Today, with the rapid development of urbanization in China, the promotion and application of comprehensive heating planning tools that focus on "clean energy" and "energy efficiency" can help China steadily become more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly. China will eventually become a country that is more flexible in energy consumption and achieve the national energy development goal of becoming "clean, low-carbon, efficient and safe".



Learning from the best practices around the world toward sustainability based on the right policy tools, China will be well positioned to help shape a better future for the global energy.

(作者:张立鹏 国际区域能源专家 / 车巍 丹佛斯中国副总裁)

(Authors: Lipeng Zhang, International District Energy Expert / Alfred Che, Vice President, Danfoss China)


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