北京第二外国语学院丹麦研究中心中英文简介 [English+Chinese]
日期:2021-02-19 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

北京第二外国语学院丹麦研究中心简介(Chinese Version)


北京第二外国语学院具有悠久的国际化办学特色,全方位服务首都的国际交往功能。学校领导和各部门都高度重视国际合作交流,在学校的政策优势、地域优势和平台优势基础上,张喜华教授发挥个人研究专长和国际交往能力,以学术为基础,开启了与丹麦哥本哈根大学的合作之旅,至今已有十多年的合作交流。 2012年,哥本哈根大学与北京第二外国语学院建立合作伙伴关系,并在此基础上不断深化合作。



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Research of Center for Denmark Studies, BISU, China







  1. 2015年10月,丹麦研究中心第一届年会在上海社会科学院召开,主题为“丹麦廉政建设对中国的启示”。本次会议得到了上海市政协、丹麦驻上海总领馆和丹麦议会监察专员署的大力支持。丹麦驻上海总领事和上海政协副主席周太彤发表讲话。

  2. 201512月,二外丹麦研究中心在上海和景德镇两地召开中国—丹麦陶瓷艺术合作发展国际研讨会。促进中国陶瓷文化走向丹麦。在合作基础上,2018年景德镇进坑遗址的村民走向丹麦,向丹麦和其他欧洲国家学者展示了中国对文化遗产的保护举措。新华社2018129日报道:《江西景德镇进坑文化遗产保护经验走进丹麦名校》

  3. 201610月,中心第二届年会在北京第二外国语学院成功举办,主题为“终身学习:中国丹麦教育比较研究”。丹麦学者、前中国驻丹麦大使、民盟中央副主席和教育领域专家徐辉等出席会议。

  4. 2017316日,来自丹麦石斧中学的师生代表团一行28人访问二外以及二外附中,与我校本科生和附中学生进行深入的学习和文化交流(一年一次)。

  5. 201747日下午,二外丹麦研究中心举行了主题为“丹麦廉政文化建设”的讲座,来自丹麦国会检察专员署的国际部主任Klavs Kinnerup Hede先生作了主题报告。

  6. 2017年10月,在“中丹旅游年”背景下,中心第三届年会在上海社会科学院举行,主题为“作为文化传播的旅游与遗产”。丹麦驻上海总领事Nicolai Prytz致辞。

  7. 2017年10月,中外专家组成了“中丹广西万年桂陶联合考察组”,在广西考古所的帮助下对万年桂陶开展了系统走访与考察。

  8. 2018年6月18-20日,丹麦中心第四次年会在丹麦哥本哈根大学城市校区亚洲动态研究中心顺利召开,年会的主题为“Cultural Heritage, Kulturarv or 文化遗产——一字词典”。张喜华发表主题演讲,介绍中国文化遗产的保护与文化传播功能。

  9. 2018年10月25日,在中丹战略合作伙伴关系十周年背景下,中心新书发布仪式暨中丹战略合作伙伴关系十周年纪念研讨会在北京第二外国语学院顺利召开。丹麦大使馆文化参赞、政务参赞、前驻沪总领事和丹麦学者参加了会议。

  10. 2019年年会(3月22-24日)主题为“教育中如何培养人才的全球竞争力 (Cultivation of Talents with Global Competence in Education)”,会议在北京第二外国语学院举行。中国、丹麦、日本学者参加会议。


  1. 中心成员Publications on Journals and Conferences


    张喜华,格伦特维和陶行知平民教育思想对当代教育的启示,韩国《文化融合》,2019.2 (Culture and Convergence)





    Ingolf Thuesen, 丹麦高校如何在管理中避免腐败指控,《学习与探索》,2016年第4期。

    Ingolf Thuesen, 遗产和旅游,历史在构筑未来跨文化友好关系中的作用

    Marie Højlund Roesgaard, 丹麦高等教育中的考试与学生权利,《黑龙江社会科学》2016年第3期。

    Camilla Mordhorst,丹麦国家博物馆副馆长,向中国观众呈现丹麦文化


    Suns Auken,旅行即思考,思考即旅行。汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生与旅游

  2. 中心成员出版专著


    张喜华、段双喜、Ingolf Thuesen(丹麦)《丹麦文化市场研究》,中国商务出版社,2018年3月


  3. 省部级研究项目Fund Projects



Center for Denmark Studies and Research Work at BISU (English Version)

Center for Denmark Studies (CDS) has been established in Beijing International Studies University in 2015. It was officially accredited as the first center for Denmark Studies in China by the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2017. CDS has been playing an active academic and collaborative role in the friendly partnership between China and Denmark.

Beijing International Studies University (BISU) has been committed to international education, international communication and cooperation. With the overall support of BISU and her own research expertise in international and intercultural communication, the director of CDS, Professor Zhang Xihua, initiated cooperation with University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark since 2006. In 2012, a friendly, cooperative partnership was established between UCPH and BISU, ever since then, the research cooperation and students exchange have been steadily in progress.

Center for Denmark Studies is dedicated to studying the common hot issues in China and Denmark, and has established solid cooperative partnership with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the University of Copenhagen, the Danish Innovation Center, the Danish Cultural Center, and the Danish Ombudsman. The research team of CDS is highly international and diversely academic. There are 16 team members, including professors and experts in Sino-Danish foreign affairs, cultural studies, education, and so on from China and Denmark. The Danish members in CDS are mainly from the University of Copenhagen, who have contributed a lot and facilitate the deepening understanding of Denmark in China. Under the joint efforts of Chinese and Danish scholars, CDS has carried out a large number of basic and comparative studies, such as the research of anti-corruption in governance, comparative education research, cultural heritage and cultural communication research, and international talent cultivation. CDS has held five annual conferences in since 2015, whose themes are highly consistent with the topics that both the Chinese and the Danish governments focus on. CDS has achieved satisfactory results in the joint cultivation of students between UCPH and BISU. The core members have published a series of Danish research papers, three Danish research monographs, and undertaken eight fund projects.

In the future, CDS will further consolidate and strengthen the existing partnership, deepen communication and cooperation with Danish experts and scholars. In addition, CDS will actively plan, organize and participate in international academic meetings, and invite famous foreign experts and scholars to carry out academic collaborations. CDS is ready to broaden the communication and cooperation with other universities, research institutions and departments in Denmark, so as to better perform the function of the open platform for Sino-Danish academic interaction, and to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between China and Denmark. The vision of CDS is to enjoy respective beauty, respected beauty, shared beauty and joint prosperity between Chinese culture and Danish culture.

For more information, please visit CDS’s website

Email: zhangxihua2008@163.com

You are welcome to contact us for cooperative research

Research work of Center for Denmark Studies, BISU, China

  1. Cooperative Research

    1. The Danish National Museum and the Palace Museum of China have carried out research on museumology

    2. The University of Copenhagen and the Jingdezhen Ceramic University have conducted collaborative research;

    3. The University of Copenhagen has established a cooperative research relationship with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences;

    4. The Jingdezhen World Cultural Heritage Application Office cooperates with the University of Copenhagen.

  2. >Annual Conferences and Other Cooperative and Research Activities about the Hot Issues of China and Denmark and the China-Denmark Joint Work Programme 2017-2020 (issued by the Chinese and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

    1. >In October 2015, the first annual conference of CDS was held at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences with the theme “Inspiration for China from Danish  Anti- Corruption Government Construction”. The meeting was strongly supported by the Shanghai CPPCC, the Danish Consulate General in Shanghai and the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman. Zhou Taitong, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai CPPCC, delivered an opening speech.

    2. In December 2015, CDS held international seminars on China-Danish ceramic art cooperation and development in Shanghai and Jingdezhen, aiming to promote  ceramic culture exchange between China and Denmark. On the basis of cooperation, the villagers of the Jinkeng site went to Denmark in 2018 to expounded the Chinese cultural heritage protection measures to scholars from Denmark and other European countries. Xinhua News Agency reported on December 9th, 2018: “Jingdezhen Jinkeng Cultural Heritage Protection Experience Attracts European Scholars”

    3. In October 2016, the second annual conference of the Center was successfully held in BISU with the theme of “Lifelong Learning: A Comparative Study of Chinese and Danish Education”. Danish and Chinese scholars, former Chinese Ambassador to Denmark attended the meeting.

    4. On March 16, 2017, a 28-member delegation from Stenhus Kostskole in Denmark visited BISU and its affiliated school to conduct in-depth study and cultural exchange with undergraduates and middle school students there. (once a year)

    5. On the afternoon of April 7, 2017,CDS held a lecture on the theme of “Danish Anti-Corruption Culture Construction”. Mr. Klavs Kinnerup Hede, Director of the International Department of the Danish Ombudsman Office, gave a keynote speech.

    6. In October 2017, in the context of the “China-Denmark Tourism Year”, the third annual conference of CDS was held successfully at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences with the theme “Tourism and Heritage as Cultural Communication”. The Council General in Shanghai delivered an opening speech.

    7. In October 2017, the Sino-Danish joint fieldwork team went to Guangxi Pottery heritage sites. With the help of the Guangxi Archaeological Institute, a systematic survey was carried out.

    8. On June 18-20, 2018, the fourth annual conference of CDS was successfully held at the Asian Dynamics Research Center of the University of Copenhagen. The theme was “Cultural Heritage, Kulturarv or Cultural Heritage – Dictionary of One Word”. Scholars from China, Denmark, Germany, Norway and England elaborated the implications of culture and cultural heritage in their respective culture.

    9. On October 25, 9.2018, the book launch and seminar to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the China-Denmark Comprehensive Strategic Partnership was successfully held in BISU. Cultural Counsellor and Political Counselor from the Danish Embassy, former Consul General in Shanghai, Chinese and Danish scholars attended the meeting.

    10. The theme of the 2019 annual conference (March 22-24) was “Cultivation of Talent with Global Competence in Education”. The meeting was held in BISU. Chinese, Danish and Japanese scholars attended the meeting.

  3. Publications and the Academic Achievements on Danish Research

  1. Publications on Journals and Conferences by Core Members

  (1) Zhang Xihua, “How Does Denmark Become a Clean Country ? Study and Exploration, No.4, 2016. CSSCI). 

  (2) Zhang Xihua, “Refelction on Contemporary Education with Insight from Grundtvig’s and Tao Xingzhi’s Educational Thoughts”, Culture and Convergence,2

  (3) Ma Chi, Zhang Xihua, “Insight into China’s Sustainable Development from the Zero Carbon Turn in Denmark, Social Sciences Weekly, June 8, 2017.  

  (4) Ma Chi, “The Insight of the Danish System Construction into China's Anti-corruption Work”, Study and Exploration, No. 12, 2016.

  (5) Qiu Wenping, “The Historical Heritage of Sino-Danish Anti-corruption Construction”, Heilongjiang Social Sciences, No. 4, 2016.

  (6) Zhang Wen, “Exploring the Anti-corruption Model of Top-down and Bottom-up Combination”, Study and Exploration, 4, 2016.

  (7) Ingolf Thuesen, “How Danish Universities Avoid Corruption Allegations in Management”, Study and Exploration, 4, 2016.

  (8) Ingolf Thuesen, “Heritage and Tourism, the Role of History in Building a Future Cross-Cultural Friendly Relationship”

  (9) Marie Højlund Roesgaard, “Examinations and Student Rights in Danish Higher Education”, Heilongjiang Social Sciences, 3, 2016.

  (10) Zhao Dacheng, “The Role of Cultural Tourism in the Construction of Professional Identity”

  2. Monographs Published by Core Members

  (1) Zhang Xihua, Ma Chi, Clean Government Building in Denmark, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, January 2018

  (2) Zhang Xihua, Duan Shuangxi, Ingolf Thuesen (Denmark), Research on Danish Cultural Markets, China Commerce Press, March 2018

  (3) Sorensen, Delman (Denmark), China Studies in Denmark, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, September 2018

  3. Fund Projects

  (1) Zhang Xihua, Clean Government Building in Denmark, Chinese Ministry of Education in 2017

  (2) Zhang Xihua, Outline of Education in Denmark, Chinese Ministry of Education in 2018



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